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2019년 독서퀴즈 · 독서활동발표대회 개최 및 참가 신청 안내



    2019년 독서퀴즈 · 독서활동발표대회 개최 및 참가 신청 안내


    종합정보관에서는 책 읽는 대학문화 조성을 위하여 2019독서퀴즈 및 독서활동 발표 대회를 아래와 같이 개최하오니, 많은 학생들의 적극적 참여 바랍니다.


   1. 2019년 독서퀴즈 및 독서활동 발표대회 개최 일정

         가. 개최일시및 장소: 2019. 10. 21.(), 14:00 ~ 16:30, 산학협력단 세미나실  

         나. 내용: 2019GW Book of the Year(해의 책) 선정과정 및 배경설명, 인문학특강, 인디밴드공연, 독서활동발표대회, 독서퀴즈대회

         올해의 책 및 추천도서: 미움 받을 용기1, 우아하고 호쾌한 여자축구, 평균의 종말

          다. 참가대상: 강원도립대학교 재학생

          라. 시상: 14(대상 2, 우수상 4, 장려상 8)

    2. 2019년 독서퀴즈 및 독서활동 발표대회 참가 안내

        가 제3회 독서퀴즈대회

       ·대회일시: 2019. 10. 21.(), 15:30 ~ 16:30

       ·참가방법 : 사전접수: 2019. 10. 1. ~ 10. 15.(15일간), http://intra.gw.ac.kr 설문조사      * 대회당일 접수: 행사장 입구, 선착순 모집

        ·출제도서 : 2019GW Book of the Year 선정도서 3

        ·시상: 11(대상 1, 우수상 3, 장려상 7) 대상 입상자 해외연수 * 참여자 전원(50) 상품권 지급

        나 제2회 독서활동발표대회

       ·대회일시: 2019. 10. 21.(), 15:00 ~ 15:30

       ·참가방법: 2019GW Book of the Year 선정도서 3 “1선택, 발표 (사전접수 후 3팀 선발)

              - 신청접수: 2019. 10. 1. ~ 10. 15.(15일간), http://intra.gw.ac.kr 설문조사

              - 예선대회: 2019. 10. 16.(), 18:00, 종합정보관(도서관)

        ·발표시간: 팀당 10(발표자료는 개별준비, PPT 자료는 USB 탑재)

        ·시상: 3(대상 1, 우수상 1, 장려상 1)



    2019 Reading Quiz and Reading Activity Presentation Contest


     The Library will hold the “2019 Reading Quiz and Reading Activity Presentation Contest” to create a college culture for reading. We look forward to your participation.


     1. Schedule for 2019 Reading Quiz and Reading Activity Presentation Contest

           - Date and time: October 21(Mon), 2019, 14:00 ~ 16:30, Seminar Room(University-Industry Foundation)

           - Contents: Briefing on GW Book of the Year Selection Process and Background, Special Lecture on Humanities, Indie Band

                                   Performance, Reading Activity Presentation Contest, Reading Quiz Contest

              ※ GW Book of the Year and Recommended Books: <The Courage to Be Disliked 1> by Ichiro Kishimi,

                                                                                                                                <Elegant and Exciting Women's  Football> by Honbi Kim, <The End of Average> by Todd Rose

           - Participants: Students of Gangwon State University

           - Awards: 14 winners (2 Grand Prizes, 4 Excellence Awards, 8 Encouragement Awards)


     2. Participation in the 2019 Reading Quiz and Reading Activity Presentation Contest

           1) The 3rd Reading Quiz Contest

            - Date and time: October 21(Mon), 2019, 15:30 ~ 16:30

           - How to participate

                      -> Pre-registration: October 1, 2019 ~ October 15, 2019 (15 days), http://intra.gw.ac.kr

              ※ On-site registration: by the order of arrival at the entrance

            - Books: 3 books selected among 2019 GW Book of the Year

           - Awards: 11 winners (1 Grand Prize, 3 Excellence Prize, 7 Encouragement Prize)
* The Grand Prize Winners will get the advantage for the Overseas Training
* Gift certificates for all participants (50 people in total)

          2) The 2nd Reading Activity Presentation Contest

            - Date and time: October 21(Mon), 2019, 15:00 ~ 15:30

            - How to participate: Selecting one book out of 2019 GW Book of the Year and Presenting

                     (Selection of 3 teams after pre-application)

                      -> Application: 2019. 10. 1. ~ 10. 15. (15 days), http://intra.gw.ac.kr

                      -> Preliminary Round: October 16(Wed), 2019, 18:00, The Library

            - Presentation time: 10 minutes per team (individual preparation for presentation materials, USB for PPT materials)

            - Awards: 3 winners (1 Grand Prize, 1 Excellence Prize, 1 Encouragement Prize)